'Signs of Conflict' calls upon graphic designers to take action graphically
in the current protests in Lebanon.
Say ENOUGH to the stinking political class and warlords who have ruled over Lebanon for decades now! Say NO to the brutality of the police against protesters! DEMAND the right to basic public services and a dignified life. Share your HOPES for a better life in a country that has for too long served the private interests of a meager few! Stand in SOLIDARITY with the protesters (if you are not one of them); put to use your skills & tools to lend their VOICE a powerful VISUAL message!
The Signs of Conflict Blog has an open posting tool; you can use it to upload your graphic material directly in English and Arabic.
Activists could download and print your graphics for use in demonstrations, or tweet and circulate via their online networks, or use as electronic banners....
If you have been publishing graphics on your blog or Facebook page, post a link on 'Signs of Conflict' to your site with a representative graphic.
Let us build a radical portfolio of graphics serving political change!
Graphic by Jana Traboulsi. [English: 'Citizen, not accomplice.' French: 'Citoyen, pas complice.'