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And for the vision of struggle.
24 teshreen movement

The will of the people first. Faruq Nafeth al-Moqaddam
24 teshreen movement

24 teshreen movement. The homeland and freedom. The word and the rifle. A rifle against a rifle.
24 teshreen movement

24 teshreen movement. The homeland and freedom. The word and the rifle. A rifle against a rifle.
24 teshreen movement

Faruq al-Moqaddam
24 teshreen movement

Rebellion. When there is a will there is a way.
24 teshreen movement

24 teshreen movement

24 teshreen movement

The martyr fighter the engineer Ali Nimer al-Ghadban.
Amal Movement

We do not accept for Lebanon to smile while its South remains in pain.
Amal Movement

al-Imam Khomeini to the delegations of Amal Movement in Tehran: I ask God that we may pray with you and al-Imam al-Sadr is in Jerusalem.
Amal Movement

Martyr Sheikh Ragheb Harb. Israel is absolute evil.
Amal Movement

Amal Movement

The groom of the South. The martyr Bilal Fahs
Amal Movement

Imam Mussa al-Sadr
Amal Movement

[Koranic verse]
Amal Movement

Martyrdom is a pledge and commitment for victory and liberation
Amal Movement

Lift hegemony and block Zionism, 6 February
Amal Movement

It is the Lebanese movement towards the better
Amal Movement

Resistance . . . resistance . . . until liberation
Amal Movement

Amal Movement

Amal Movement

The cause is not that of abundant sorrow for the South, for we must take the road of defense and dignity.
Amal Movement

My place is amongst you, my throne is your heart, my strength is your hand, my guard are your eyes, my glory is your union
Amal Movement

The martyr Sobhi Sobhi al-Shaykh
Amal Movement

19 May the day of the wounded
Amal Movement

Holder of trust from the bearer of trust
Amal Movement

The martyr fighter Muhammad Saad. The martyr fighter Khalil Jaradi.
Amal Movement
The 10th Annual Commemoration of the Disappearance of the Imam Al-Sadr and his companions.
Amal Movement
Amal will remain a generous spring of blood..
Amal Movement
They were martyred in defence of the South and the Unity and Arab Identity of Lebanon.
Amal Movement
Isn't the morning near?
Amal Movement
A Squadron of Martyrs.
Amal Movement
If the South undergoes a crisis it will be a political problem that will cause unrest to the whole of Lebanon. From the speech of Imam al Sadr.
Amal Movement
The First Annual Commemoration of the Martyrs of the latest Israeli invasion of the towns of Srifa and Hariss.
Amal Movement
Jerusalem Day.
Amal Movement
President of the Islamic Republic. Ali Akbar Hashimi Rafsanjani.
Amal Movement
Imam Mussa al-Sadr.
Amal Movement
Amal Movement
Seventh Annual Commemoration of the Disappearance of the Imam Al-Sadr and his companions. Al-Sadr will return.
Amal Movement
The martyr commander, Hajj Hassan Hussein Jaafar (Abu Jammal).
Amal Movement

The victory of the Iranian revolution is a victory for Arabism and Islam
Arab Committee for the Support of the Islamic revolution in Iran

The National Armed Resistance; our way to the liberation of all occupied Arab lands .
Arab Socialist Action Party

The beacons of liberation, democracy, socialism, unity, and the solidarity of the international proletariat.
Arab Socialist Action Party

In the memory of the martyrs of the southern Maten shore. We renew the vow to continue the struggle for liberation, democracy, socialism, and unity.
Arab Socialist Action Party

One Arab nation with an eternal message
Arab Socialist Baath Party

7 April. 40 years of struggle
Arab Socialist Baath Party

7 April. 40th aninversary of the Arab Socialist Baath
Arab Socialist Baath Party

The groom of Al-Fayhaa, the Baathi heroic martyr Hisham Abbas
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Arab Socialist Baath Party

The Eagle of the Baath. The hero martyr Abdallah Abd-el-Kader.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Arab Socialist Baath Party Organization in Lebanon

The martyr of the Baath and Palestine, comrade Hatem Ka’ush.
Arab Socialist Baath Party Organization in Lebanon

7 April. One Arab nation with an eternal message
Arab Socialist Baath Party Organization in Lebanon

Loyalty and love to his excellency president Hafez al-Assad
Arab Socialist Baath Party Organization in Lebanon

the hawk of the Baath. The martyr hero Issam Abd al-Sater
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Arab Socialist Baath Party Organization in Lebanon

The knight of the Baath. The martyr hero Mana’a Hassan Qattaya.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Arab Socialist Baath Party Organization in Lebanon

The Baathist hero martyr Mnaa’ Hassan Qattaya.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Arab Socialist Baath Party Organization in Lebanon

When the Arab revolution resumes its march, Abd-el-Nasser’s banners will take the lead. In commemoration of 23 July
Arab Socialist Union

No Title Available
Arab Socialist Union

Till when will the unjustly condemned remain in Sadat’s prison. Freedom to the prisoners of may 15
Arab Socialist Union

Martyr of duty. The martyr Muhammad Ahmad al-Hujairi.
Arab Socialist Union

Martyr of Duty. The martyr Mahmmud Said al-Bay
Arab Socialist Union

Koranic verse
Arab Socialist Union

The martyr of the Arab Socialist Union Muhammad Deeb Milhim Hassoun.
Arab Socialist Union

If a builder had left house, they would have demolished it. If a poet had left a verse, they would have burnt it. But Abd-el-Nasser left a people.The sixth memorial of the leaders passing.
Arab Socialist Union

In the 4th commemoration of the fall of the Maslakh and Karantina
Arab Socialist Union

Their way is ours
Arab Socialist Union

The Maslakh has fallen yet the will to resist did not and will not fall. 2nd commemoration
Arab Socialist Union

The martyrs of justicein defense of Lebanon’s unity and Arab identity
Arab Socialist Union

South of Lebanon... A Man and a Right
Arab Socialist Union

...the flags of September 23rd’s Nasserite revolution will remain high inspite of all the campaigns for apostasy and colonialism
Arab Socialist Union

No Title Available
Arab Socialist Union

Exhibition of posters in support of the Palestinian revolution and the Arab identity of Lebanon
Arab Socialist Union

To those who have made the epic of steadfastness in Tal el-Zaatar
Arab Socialist Union

The master leader
Arab Socialist Union

The bulldozer massacre will not be forgotten. The land of al-Maslakh and Karanitna will be returned to its people.
Arab Socialist Union

The hero martyr Zuhair Amin al-Sardouk.
Arab Socialist Union

The 3rd annual commemoration of the fall of Maslakh and Karantina
Arab Socialist Union , Progressive Socialist Party

No Title Available
Arab Socialist Union

Commemoration of Gamal Abd-el-Nasser’s birthday, a green memory in days of drought.
Arab Socialist Union

The victory of the Arab revolution is a necessary condition for the liberation of the Mediterranean from imperialist power
Arab Socialist Union

The time has come for the people of Iran to lift their heads high in tribute to their revolution and their leader Al-Khumainy
Arab Socialist Union

. . . But your partisans will not surrender. The 8th commemoration of Gamal Abd-el-Nasser’s passing
Arab Socialist Union

You ... You only represent yourself
Arab Socialist Union

What are all these conspiracies but a continuation of history’s revenge on the revolution of September 23rd
Arab Socialist Union

From the thundering ocean... To the rebellious gulf, at your service Abd-el-Nasser
Arab Socialist Union

With the help of the Arab people of Libya the tobacco season was saved . . .
Arab Socialist Union

When we were in Sierra Maestra we got inspired by the resistance and great victory of Suez – Castro
Arab Socialist Union

The martyrs of struggle against the Zionist enemy
Arab Socialist Union

Revolution. We do not fear for you from the threats, for the masses make your fort immune.
Arab Socialist Union

5th aniversary of the union
Arab Socialist Union

The 2nd commemoration of the Zionist invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Commemorating martyrs of the Arab Socialist Union.
Arab Socialist Union

Beirut, princess of the Arabs
Arab Socialist Union

Martyrs of the Arab Socialist Union from Yarin. They died while resisting the Zionist invasion in 1978.
Arab Socialist Union

The South drawn by its children.
Assembly of cultural and media committees in support of liberating the south

In support of the liberation of the South
Assembly of cultural and media committees in support of liberating the south

Freedom to the national resistance fighter Anwar Yassin and his friends detained in Israeli prisons
Assembly of the Ansar Detainees
Bashir Gemayel Foundation

The tear of remembrance.
Central National Committee for the displaced

You were with us and you always will
Central National Committee for the displaced

La Resistance Libanaise
Centre d'information du Liban Chrétien (Suisse)

we console and congratulate the righteous martyrs of Islam.
Civil Resistance against Israel

The decision to stay.
Civil Resistance against Israel

The International day of the kidnapped.
Committe for the follow up of all that are kidnaped and detained

Of the believers, men who fulfilled their covenant to God. Sheikh Muharam Arfi
Committee for follow up on the issues of Saida and the South

Love your city, love each other, love Lebanon
Committee for solidarity with Saida

The gateway to the south will not be closed
Committee for solidarity with Saida

Confront the epidemic war with cleanliness
Committee for solidarity with Saida

Cuba will remain the island of freedom
Committee for the Lebanese-Cuban friendship

Contribute in the liberation of the south and western Bekaa from the Zionist occupation
Committee for the support of the Islamic Resistance in the South and Western Bekaa

Martyr Marie Rose Boulos.
Committee of Mary Rose Boulos’ Friends

The American - Israeli “Peace” in Lebanon
Communist Action Organization in Lebanon

We will continue our struggle for liberation unification and democracy
Communist Action Organization in Lebanon

Lebanon: Struggle and Hope
Communist Action Organization in Lebanon

The land is ours. The martyrs of defiance to occupation in defense of the nation’s land
Communist Action Organization in Lebanon

The home land will remain, and the occupation will diminish. All hands in for the liberation of the South and Western Bekaa.
Communist Action Organization in Lebanon

For the resisting nation
Cultural Council of South Lebanon

For the nation and for freedom
Cultural Council of South Lebanon

Always steadfast March 1978–1981
Cultural Council of South Lebanon

South Lebanon In solidarity with the national Lebanese resistance Rabat Morocco
Cultural Council of South Lebanon

In confrontation with the Israeli occupation March 1978-1994
Cultural Council of South Lebanon

Let’s put an end to the destruction of the south March 1978–81
Cultural Council of South Lebanon

The South as a book The second exhibition
Cultural Council of South Lebanon

The national week in support of the south 22–28 March 1980
Cultural Council of South Lebanon

Two years of the Lebanese National Resistance
Cultural Council of South Lebanon

Resistance as art
Cultural Council of South Lebanon

The South is a book.The commemoration of the South, March 1978
Cultural Council of South Lebanon

Lebanon in its South. March 1978-1982
Cultural Council of South Lebanon

Till when?
Families of the kidnapped, detained and disappeared in Lebanon

On the 9th commemoration of one of their most atrocious massacres; we salute you who executed the people’s judgment over the butcher. 13 April 1984
Friends of Habib Shartuni

The Palestinian Cause
Guardians of the Cedars

Have a realistic pilgrimage, in Easter. Live the passion visit Lebanon!
Lebanese Kataeb Party , Tanzim , Guardians of the Cedars , National Liberal Party
For your easter pilgrimage, share his suffering, visit the Lebanon!
Lebanese Kataeb Party , Tanzim , Guardians of the Cedars , National Liberal Party

Guardians of the Cedars

Oh resistance of Lebanon: Syria is with you in say and action and will remain at the ready to share with you everything. And to share with you martyrdom before everything.
Higher Committee for the support of south Lebanon

My brother citizen.
Higher Committee for the support of south Lebanon

Syria will continue to sacrifice to support Lebanon and preserve its unity and independence; of Arab belonging and identity.
Higher Popular Committee for the Support of the Steadfastness of South Lebanon

Jerusalem . . . here we come.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Martyrs of Badr alkubra operation
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The fighter martyr Said Muwasi.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The Islamic Resistance
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Martyrs of the Badr alKubra operation
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Toumat Niha’s high-quality operation
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Martyrs of the Islamic Resistance in the Talloussa operation against the Israeli occupying forces
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The confrontation in Maydun defeats the shameful accommodationist plans.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

With the Islamic Resistance blood vanquishes the sword in the 20th century
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The blood of martyrs of Islam in Ansar detention illuminates the path of Jihad against the oppressors
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyrdom operation of Islamic unity
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Martyrdom , the road to bliss. The martyr fighter Hajj Abed al-Min’em Qassir.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr of Islam, the fighter Ali Khalil.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Muslim Woman’s Day
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

A resistant leader… His jihad is your pride and his blood is your freedom. The martyr fighter al-Hajj Muhammad Bjayji
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr of Islam, the fighter Salah Fares.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyrs of the high-quality operation of Alman al-Shumaryeh
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The first maritime operation of the Islamic Resistance
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The high-quality operation of Alman al-Shumaryeh
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyrs of the Baalback massacre
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr Muhammad Abed Hijazi
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Fawzi Issa.The martyr fighter Muhammad Ali Mhanna.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr Hassan Hayduss.The martyr Mahmmud Kurani.The martyr Hussein Nasser.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Kill us, for our people will become even more aware. Khomeini
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Martyrs of Ali al-Taher high-quality operation
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The happy martyr al-Sayed Abd-el-Lattif al-Amin
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyrs of the Islamic Resistance in Bir Kallab-Sujud high-quality operation. The martyr Fouad Abdallah.The martyr Ibrahim al-Hajj.The martyr Abass Hammud.The martyr Muhammad Najem.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter al-Sayid Muhammad Hachem.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The victimized martyr Moussa Ahmad Jaber.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The blood of martyrs are the path of the nation towards freedom.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The oppressed martyrs of Islam in the Fathallah massacre
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The blood of martyrs are the path of the nation towards freedom.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The armed struggle of the Islamic Resistance is the only answer and the martyrs make the victory
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

we shall pass through tribulations, and live in a world full of wolves.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

In commemoration of the 8th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The 2nd commemoration of the first martyrdom operation in Jabal ‘Amel. The first in the reign of heroism, the pioneer of martyrdom operations; the happy martyr Ahmad Kassir ‘Haydar’; the destroyer of the headquarters of the Israeli military governor in So
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyrs of Islam in the Western Bekaa
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Issa Amin Chuman.The martyr fighter Khalil Abd-el-Amir Kamal.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Martyrs of Islam in Beirut’s southern suburb. They fell in defense of the pride and honor of Islam
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

In commemoration of the birth of the imam of the generation. International day of the vulnerable.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr Ahmad Kassir
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Our Jihad follows Hussein’s path... Our leader is Khomeini
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Today Lebanon Tomorow Palestine
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Jerusalem here we come
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The victimized martyr Muhammad Shakar.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Jerusalem is sacred to Muslims and it must be returned to them
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The happy martyr sheikh Ragheb Harb. The happy martyr al-Sayid Abd-el-Lattif al-Amin.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter al-Hajj Muhammad Hachem. The martyr fighter Hussein Samur.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter sheikh Muhammad Ramlawi.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Ali Abdallah Mughniye
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter al-Sayid Muhammad Hachem.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Ali Wehbe.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Khalil Yassin
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The first annual commemoration of the martyrdom of the martyr fighter Muhammad Hussein Yazbek.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Amad Shamass.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr Ali Hussein Moghniye.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The fighter martyr Ahmad Hassan Mshawrab
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The victimized martyr Said Shahab
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The fighter martyr Bassam ‘Abass
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The fighter martyr Ja’far Abas Zuwawi
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The lost fighter Kassem al-Danna.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Martyr of Islam, the victimized Muhammad Ahmad Ramadan.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Ahmad Ali Assal. The martyr fighter Ali Kassem Hachem.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Ali Ahmad. The martyr fighter Mahmmud Fayyad
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Ali Hussein Bazzun. The martyr fighter Muhammad Hussein Simhat.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Hassan Abd al-Karim Qubaisi. The martyr fighter Abdallah Ahmad Harb.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Abass Karaki. The martyr fighter Ahmad Abdallah.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Munther Muhammad Munther. The martyr fighter Hamid al-Dughaili.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Ali Bakri. The martyr fighter Yussef Barakat.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Hamed Kamal. The martyr fighter Ali Fawaz.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Al-Sayid Bilal Muhammad Shukr.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Majed Ghanem.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Suhail Yassin. The martyr fighter Radwan Mahye-el-Deen
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

God's victorious lion. The martyr hajj Nassar Nassar
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

In the sea of martyrdom until we arrive at the shore of victory.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The Islamic Resistance. The guarantee to the defeat of Israel.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

A constellation of martyrs of the Islamic Resistance, in the western Bekaa
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The fourth annual commemoration of the martyr Ahmad Kassir The pioneer of heroic accomplishments in Jabal Amel
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The blood of martyrs is the most honest expression of blood vanquishing the sword
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The blood of martyrs demeans the thrones of tyrants and creates the dawn of the nation. In the event of “Martyr’s day” 29 August 1985.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Muslim Woman’s Day
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

1st annual Commemoration of Houmin altahta massacre
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyrs of the Islamic Resistance in the high-quality operation that was executed in talat alhoqban kafra – Yater
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Israel is absolute evil
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

We declare to the world: the Islamic resistance in Jabal Amel walks on the path of the Islamic revolution and under the orders of the prince of the Muslims, Al-Imam Khomeini the great.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

We have to form a society of war and employ all resources in our battle with Israel – Mussa al-Sadr
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

A constellation/squadron of martyrs of the Islamic Resistance
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Sayyed Mussa al-Sadr was a son of mine
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Melt in al-Imam Komeini, as he has melted in Islam.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The victimized martyr Ismael Abd-el-Hassan Baylun. The victimized martyr Safi Mustapha bachir.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The victimized martyr Ja’far Hussein Ja’far.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Ahmad Kamal. The martyr fighter Muhammad Hassan Hammud.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The martyr fighter Suhail Yassin. The martyr fighter Radwan Mehye-el-Deen.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Martyrs on the road to Jerusalem
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

No Title Available
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The first annual commemoration of the martyrdom of Sheikh Ragheb Harb
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Jerusalem… we shall come
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

1st annual commemoration of the martyrdom of Sheikh Ragheb Harb
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The Islamic Resistance. Our glory . . . our pride and the prince of martyrs . . . the guide to our path
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

You will remain the pioneer of knowledge and Jihad. In the third commemoration of the martyrdom of Sheikh Ragheb Harb
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

Mashghara will remain the fortress of Islam
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The path of Islam jihad and martyrdom. The martyred sheikh Ragheb Harb. The sheikh Muharam ‘Arfi.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

the oppressed martyrs of Islam in the massacre of Bir-al-Abd commited by the devilish United States- Israel- Phalanges coalition.
Hizbullah/Islamic resistance

The Independent Nasserite Movement, “Murabitun”
Independent Nasserite Movement, Murabitun

On 21 March 1976, the Murabitun destroyed the symbol of fascist treason and took an oath of continuing the journey at whatever cost – Ibrahim Koleilat
Independent Nasserite Movement, Murabitun

the martyr of the Independent Nasserite Movement Murabitun
Independent Nasserite Movement, Murabitun

The master leader, Gamal Abd-el-Nasser
Independent Nasserite Movement, Murabitun

March 21st, The Murabitun destroyed the symbol of fascist treason and pledged to continue the journey at whatever cost
Independent Nasserite Movement, Murabitun

Nasserism, a revolution that never rests and a life that never dies
Independent Nasserite Movement, Murabitun

Steadfast in the south
Independent Nasserite Movement, Murabitun

Independent Nasserite Movement, Murabitun

February 15, 1918 – Birthday of the master leader
Independent Nasserite Movement, Murabitun

February 22nd, 1958
Independent Nasserite Movement, Murabitun

June 9 and 10, renewal of the pledge and pact
Independent Nasserite Movement, Murabitun

What is taken by force, can only be reclaimed by force
Independent Nasserite Movement, Murabitun

Capture and Imprisonment will not deter us from continuing the path of Liberation
Islamic Committee for the support of the Ansar Detainees

Quote from Khomeini
Islamic Republic of Iran

Quote from Khomeini
Islamic Republic of Iran

On the occasion of the annual commemoration of the martyrdom of Dr. Mustapha Shumran
Islamic Republic of Iran

June 5 1987. The day of solidarity with the Lebanese South and the national resistance.
League of Arab States & Lebanese Ministry of Information

From all Lebanon to all of Lebanon and in all of Lebanon
Lebanese Army

No Title Available
Lebanese Army

A pledge and a promise 10425 km2
Lebanese Army

Lebanese Army

The savior
Lebanese Army

Too big to be swallowed . Too small to be partitioned.
Lebanese Army

The army is you is us
Lebanese Army

Lebanese Army

Curtailing history
Lebanese Army

(Oath of the Lebanese Army)
Lebanese Army

No Title Available
Lebanese Army

No Title Available
Lebanese Army

August 1. The Lebanese Army
Lebanese Army

Our Independence... Our steadfastness.
Lebanese Army

No Title Available
Lebanese Army

No Title Available
Lebanese Army

No Title Available
Lebanese Army
The Epic of Liberation, 13 August 1989
Lebanese Army

For the sacred soil. answer the calling of the Lebanese Army.
Lebanese Army
Lebanon the strong
Lebanese Army

Lebanese Army

Lebanese Army

Lebanese Army

Lebanese Army

The Pearl of the Bekaa, Lula Elias Abboud
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front comrade Jamal Satti. The hero of the operation of the detonation of the headquarters of the Israeli military commander in Hasbaya.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr Ahmad al-Mir al-Ayubi.
Lebanese Communist Party

The operation to destroy the traitor Lahed’s radio station.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

Glory to the heroes of the Beaufort Castle
Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr leader Ahmad al-Mir al-Ayubi
Lebanese Communist Party

Let us unite efforts to reclaim our national independence, 22 November 1982
Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front the hero Muhammad Younes.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front the hero Muhammad Ahmad al-Dorkhabani.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

The leader martyr, comrade George Nassrallah.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

Comrade Hussam Faruq Hijazi.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

The pearl of the Bekaa Lula Elias Abboud.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front hero comrade Muhammad Mahfuth.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

Comrade martyr doctor Hekmat al-Amin
Lebanese Communist Party

Comrade martyr Mirvat Hassan ‘Attwi.
Lebanese Communist Party

60th anniversary 1924-1984
Lebanese Communist Party

Comrade martyr Ali Abdallah Slim.
Lebanese Communist Party

Martyred for Tripoli
Lebanese Communist Party

The comrade martyr Hussien Abed al-Aziz Diab
Lebanese Communist Party

Comrade martyr Lina Mazra’ani
Lebanese Communist Party

60 years in the production of joy
Lebanese Communist Party

60th anniversary, The sun rises from the south
Lebanese Communist Party

Martyrs of the Lebanese Communist Party, March 1975–March 1976; martyrs in the battle against the fascist isolationist plan in defence of Lebanon, its unity, Arab identity and in defence of the Palestinian resistance
Lebanese Communist Party

For a unified, independent, liberal, democratic, and Arab Lebanon
Lebanese Communist Party

Comrade martyr Kassem Badran "Abu Jamal"
Lebanese Communist Party

Comrade martyr Ali Hazim.
Lebanese Communist Party

Comrade martyr Imad Bitar.
Lebanese Communist Party

The comrade and martyr Ouday Kays "Abou Deeb"
Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr of treachery, oppression, and treason, the communist fighter and the son of Beirut, Salim Bachir Yamut.
Lebanese Communist Party

Glory to the Lebanese National Resistance Front
Lebanese Communist Party

60th Anniversary 1924-1984
Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr of intellect and freedom, Dr. Mahdi Amel "Hassan Hamdan"
Lebanese Communist Party

60th Anniversary
Lebanese Communist Party

From the Communist Party to Lebanon. Let us preserve their names, their party, their homeland, and their people.
Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr leader comrade Abed al-Karim al-Ma’ush.
Lebanese Communist Party

From the Mina [northern port city in Tripoli] to the nation, 1924–1986
Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr of the citadel of resistance, Muhammad al-Hajj Ali.
Lebanese Communist Party

For liberation and democratic change.
Lebanese Communist Party

For a democratic victory and the defeat of Fascism.
Lebanese Communist Party

The reinforcement of Lebanese-Soviet friendship is a guarantee to the success of the battle of Liberation.
Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr Ahmad al-Mir al-Ayubi
Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr Khaled Ismail Malas
Lebanese Communist Party , Lebanese National Resistance Front

. . . Continuing the procession. 13 April 1983
Lebanese Forces

Zahleh. 2 April 1983
Lebanese Forces

Be a man above men
Lebanese Forces

Resistance Day. 26 December 1989
Lebanese Forces

Towards independence
Lebanese Forces

13 April
Lebanese Forces

Quote from Bashir Gemayel
Lebanese Forces

Quote from Bashir Gemayel
Lebanese Forces

Quote from Bashir Gemayel
Lebanese Forces

Quote from Bashir Gemayel
Lebanese Forces

Quote from Bashir Gemayel
Lebanese Forces

My resisting comrade [. . .] Bashir lives in us so that our Lebanon remains
Lebanese Forces

April 13 1984 . . . Here we remain
Lebanese Forces

Lebanese Forces

Our Lebanon needs you, YOU
Lebanese Forces

13 April, the dawn of freedom
Lebanese Forces

The Christmas of 'our mountain' children, 22 December 1984
Lebanese Forces

and we remain!
Lebanese Forces

April 13 1984. Here we remain
Lebanese Forces

Our freedom has taught us how to destroy their restraints and build the independence
Lebanese Forces

we justly fight... and we win justly
Lebanese Forces

The steadfastness of Ain al-Rummaneh is in its unity, discipline, and sacrifice
Lebanese Forces

We will build with those who stay
Lebanese Forces

No Title Available
Lebanese Forces

23 August
Lebanese Forces

13 April 1984
Lebanese Forces

The world is asleep while Ain al-Rummaneh stays awake
Lebanese Forces

Comrade . . . you are heroism, you are faith, with you Lebanon remains. Bashir lives in us
Lebanese Forces

Ain al-Rummaneh, a school of blood, bravery, and pride.
Lebanese Forces

Your tricks are uncovered and justice will prevail
Lebanese Forces
Tal al-Mir - Tal al-Zaatar. 13 April 1980.
Lebanese Forces
Lebanon is in danger... Your artillery is victory. Artillery corps.
Lebanese Forces
Lebanon calls... Be its Sail. Navy corps.
Lebanese Forces

Be a man above all men... Be one of us. Defensive units-Beirut.
Lebanese Forces , Lebanese Kataeb Party

From here we begin... And never rest. Central Command. Parachute Regiment - battalion 101.
Lebanese Forces

And here we remain...
Lebanese Forces

Students of the Lebanese resistance.
Lebanese Forces , Lebanese Kataeb Party

Lebanese Forces

With the strength of the mountain the resurrection of Lebanon
Lebanese Forces

The war is over, but the Lebanese revolution has not yet began
Lebanese Forces

Deir Al-Qamar
Lebanese Forces

Lebanon is calling for you.. Be its shield
Lebanese Forces

The blood of 350 Martyrs was Shed in Bekaa for it to remain a free Lebanese land. Commemoration of 2 April
Lebanese Forces

The murderer. The combatant
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Have a realistic pilgrimage, in Easter. Live the passion visit Lebanon!
Lebanese Kataeb Party , Tanzim , Guardians of the Cedars , National Liberal Party

They died for Lebanon to live
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Yes to the Phalanges
Lebanese Kataeb Party

44 years in the service of Lebanon
Lebanese Kataeb Party

The president leader sheikh Bashir Gemayel
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Martyrdom is the course of Pierre Gemayel’s school
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Give us peace and take from us what would astound the world–Amin Gemayel
Lebanese Kataeb Party

The day of promise
Lebanese Kataeb Party

1 May. We are all workers in the service of Lebanon
Lebanese Kataeb Party

No Title Available
Lebanese Kataeb Party

44 years in the service of Lebanon
Lebanese Kataeb Party

14 September
Lebanese Kataeb Party

He died so that we may live and so Lebanon may live. We will not forget your memory oh Bahzad Karam.
Lebanese Kataeb Party

The president Bashir Gemayel
Lebanese Kataeb Party

No Title Available
Lebanese Kataeb Party
Lebanese Kataeb Party
Lebanese Kataeb Party
Lebanese Kataeb Party

23 August 1982 - 23 August 1983
Lebanese Kataeb Party
47 years in service of Lebanon untill martyrdom
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Be a man above all men... Be one of us. Defensive units-Beirut.
Lebanese Forces , Lebanese Kataeb Party
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Preserve it for us. The fourty seventh anniversary of the Lebanese Kataeb Party. Antelias.
Lebanese Kataeb Party
Lebanese Kataeb Party
Lebanese Kataeb Party
Lebanese Kataeb Party
They devoted themselves to Lebanon, and died for it to survive.
Lebanese Kataeb Party
For your easter pilgrimage, share his suffering, visit the Lebanon!
Lebanese Kataeb Party , Tanzim , Guardians of the Cedars , National Liberal Party
The Lebanese Kataeb martyrs' square. A'jaltoun.
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Students of the Lebanese resistance.
Lebanese Forces , Lebanese Kataeb Party

Lebanese Kataeb Party

Lebanese Kataeb Party

And we stay
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Lebanese Kataeb Party

The story of a war
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Aley, do not crumble. We will rebuild you
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Al-Shouf - 16 March
Lebanese Kataeb Party

The mothers raise their children to the sounds of glory
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Lebanese Kataeb Party

Hazmeyeh - A memory of love and commitment to the Phalange Party in its 45th anniversary
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Lebanese Kataeb Party is the symbol of Lebanon's survival
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Lebanon is calling for you.. Be supportive
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Lebanese Kataeb Party

47 years serving Lebanon
Lebanese Kataeb Party

Declaration of Kiserwan Commissioner
Lebanese Kataeb Party

The martyr of Lebanon and Palestine
Lebanese National Movement

The South, the Steadfastness, the victory
Lebanese National Movement

Against Imperialism and Zionism
Lebanese National Movement

Immortal in the conscience of people and the nation
Lebanese National Movement

Lebanese National Movement

Immortal in the conscience of people and the nation
Lebanese National Movement

Lebanese National Movement

The South
Lebanese National Movement

…and he remains a puppet
Lebanese National Movement

The Arab sun rises from the South
Lebanese National Movement

Turkey 1915, Burj Hammoud 1979
Lebanese National Movement

My will: one single nationalist movement
Lebanese National Movement

Jumblatt will remain the icon of the strife of the masses for freedom and peace
Lebanese National Movement

the dawning and immortality of your teachings, oh master.
Lebanese National Movement

May 1: with the wrists of the workers we build a new Lebanon, that Kamal Jumblatt gave his life for.
Lebanese National Movement

Together until victory
Lebanese National Movement

1 May, Jumblatt’s international day
Lebanese National Movement

Is there anything more noble than crossing over the bridge of death into the life that revives others and genuinely supports their cause and that strengthens the model of resistance and sacrifice in the souls of activists? – Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

In the darkness of night, the moon is missed
Lebanese National Movement

Jumblatt did not die, you who call for submissive solutions
Lebanese National Movement

May 1 the symbol of resistance and humanity, for Lebanon and Palestine
Lebanese National Movement

excerpt from poem
Lebanese National Movement

Jumblatt will remain the symbol of an Arab Lebanon, democratic, and secular
Lebanese National Movement

Offering life gave a new understanding to the liberation struggle – Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

March 16, 1979: the second annual commemoration of the martyr leader Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

On the path of Abd-el-Nasser, Jumblatt will remain a flag for the Arab revolution
Lebanese National Movement

March 16 and the journey blossoms
Lebanese National Movement

March 16 1979, the 2nd annual commemoration of the martyrdom of the leader Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

The fifth anniversary of the martyrdom of the master leader Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

Kamal Jukmblatt is immortal in the consciousness of the people and the nation
Lebanese National Movement

Jumblatt’s will: A unified national movement and a victorious Palestinian resistance
Lebanese National Movement

Kamal Jumblatt. His blood lights our path and unifies our national and democratic journey
Lebanese National Movement

Quote from Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

Quote from Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

Jumblatt’s supporters warn the leaders: the authority that turns a blind eye to treason and occupation is not a legitimate authority
Lebanese National Movement

Kamal Jumblatt the martyr of the coming victory from the nozzles of our rifles.
Lebanese National Movement

The Lebanon of Kamal Jumblatt is a fortress of Arab steadfastness
Lebanese National Movement

The Arab union is the union of the revolutionary activists and honorable nationalists
Lebanese National Movement

Quote from Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

Quote from Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

Quote from Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

We will preserve Jumblatt’s message in fortifying the cohesion between the Lebanese national movement and the Palestinian revolution.
Lebanese National Movement

The Liberation of the South is the mission of all patriots and the nationalist rifle will not retreat.
Lebanese National Movement

Loyalty of the the National Movement to its leader and founder. We will remain a beacon for Arab Liberation struggle.
Lebanese National Movement

Today the Shah of Iran, and tomorrow the rest of the Shahs. Treason and surrender.
Lebanese National Movement

Abd-el-Nasser and Jumblatt are the martyrs of Palestine and Arab union
Lebanese National Movement

Jumblatt gave his life for Lebanon and Palestine and for a united Arab desitiny.
Lebanese National Movement

Kamal Jumblatt.His blood lights our path, unifies our national and democratic movement.
Lebanese National Movement

Quote from Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

Metn, national steadfastness in the face of division
Lebanese National Movement

We are not alone in the world, yet we need to remain steadfast. Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

The national confrontation program is the tool to defy the fascist expansion.
Lebanese National Movement

Let the vastest energies be recruited to reinforce the steadfastness of the South, the front line trench in the conflict with the Zionist enemy.
Lebanese National Movement

Just like Abd-el-Nasser, Jumblatt will remain the symbol of an Arab revolution
Lebanese National Movement

We are not alone in the world, yet we need to remain steadfast
Lebanese National Movement

Quote from Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

Quote from Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

Jumblatt gave his life for the Palestinian cause and a united Arab destiny
Lebanese National Movement

16 March 1978, the first annual commemoration of the martyr leader Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

We are not alone in the world, yet we need to remain steadfast. Kamal Jumblatt
Lebanese National Movement

Jerusalem Day . . . the day of the steadfast rifle
Lebanese National Movement

We will stay ... and fight down the invaders
Lebanese National Movement

We will build an independent Lebanese national authority.
Lebanese National Movement

Freedom to the prisoners of opinion in Egypt.
Lebanese National Movement

No Title Available
Lebanese National Movement

No Title Available
Lebanese National Movement

The martyr hero ‘Atef al-Danaf.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

2nd annual commemoration of the Lebanese National Resistance Front
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The stones of the south... Bombs that explode in the face of the Zionists.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front Muhammad Hamduni.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr Hero Ali Talba Hassan
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front comrade Hassan Ali Mussa.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front the hero Muhammad Tufiq Saleh.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front the hero Hassan Faqih
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front the hero Hamzeh Hamzeh.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front the hero Ja’far Yassin.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

We will not cry over the past, for this is the year of the unable. But we will double our efforts to make up for what has passed.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

2nd annual commemoration of the martyrdom operation of the eagle of the Bekaa: the martyr Malek Wehbe
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Practice heroism. and fear not war, but fear failure.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The road to the liberation of Palestine is not crooked, and does not pass by the capitals of Camp David. But it passes first and foremost from the nozzles of the fighting rifles. The leader of the Naharya operation the martyr Muhammad Mahmmud Kana’a.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

I carry from the mountain of Sultan al-Atrash the saying of unity and I plant myself in the land of the South. The martyr, bride of Suwaida, Zahra Abu ‘Assaf
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Maryam Khayr al-Deen.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr Yussef Amin Saab.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr Fuad Mahmmud Saleh.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The hero of the Wimpy operation the martyr comrade Khaled Alwan
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Freedom to the imprisoned militant Habib al-Shartouni
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

We shall resist…
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Ministry of the South

the hawk of the Baath. The martyr hero Issam Abd al-Sater
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Arab Socialist Baath Party Organization in Lebanon

The knight of the Baath. The martyr hero Mana’a Hassan Qattaya.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Arab Socialist Baath Party Organization in Lebanon

The Eagle of the Baath. The hero martyr Abdallah Abd-el-Kader.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Arab Socialist Baath Party Organization in Lebanon

The Baathist hero martyr Mnaa’ Hassan Qattaya.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Arab Socialist Baath Party Organization in Lebanon

The 8th of July 1986 operation. The heroes of the “Naharia” martyrdom operation. The forces of the martyr Muhammad Salim. The forces of the martyr Ghassan Kanafani.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front the hero Muhammad Ahmad al-Dorkhabani.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

The Israeli enemy is the enemy of my nation and we will not let it rest. Wajdi
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The leader martyr, comrade George Nassrallah.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front the hero Muhammad Younes.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front hero comrade Muhammad Mahfuth.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

The pearl of the Bekaa Lula Elias Abboud.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

Comrade Hussam Faruq Hijazi.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

The heroic martyr Muhammad Hussien Ibrahim.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Nazih Qobrosli, a bud that opens in the face of the enemies of the sun... for that is how our seasons will always blossom
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The 1st annual commemoration of the martyrdom of one of the symbols and leaders of the national resistance. The martyr Mohamad Slim
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The National Resistance Front send its condolences to the martyr hero Ahmad Muhammad Younes.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The Pearl of the Bekaa, Lula Elias Abboud
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

The martyrs of the Lebanese National Resistance Front. 24 November 1985
Lebanese National Resistance Front

I am now planted in the south, I soak its earth with my blood – Sana’
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front the hero Wafaa Nour-al-Deen
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr of the Lebanese National Resistance Front comrade Jamal Satti. The hero of the operation of the detonation of the headquarters of the Israeli military commander in Hasbaya.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

The martyr Habib Kayrouz
Syrian Social Nationalist Party , Lebanese National Resistance Front

The operation to destroy the traitor Lahed’s radio station.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Lebanese Communist Party

I hope my soul meets with the souls of the martyrs, and it embraces them again, exploding into an earthquake over the heads of the enemy. Sana’.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

In the first annual commemoration of Sana’ Mehaidli. 9 May 1986. The week of the resistant woman.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Do not fear confrontation with this enemy for he is like a cancer that should be removed. ‘Amar.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

With the arms of will, determination and resistance we shall be victorious – Maryam
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

I am the son of Damascus, coming to water my land, the land of the South. The martyr Khaled Azraq.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Oh my family in the South, a few steps and I will be with you, a bride you hail to the soul of the martyrs. Norma Abi Hassan.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

This is a lesson to all the angry ones and conspirers so that they may know that we do not differentiate between the Jews of the inside and the Jews of the outside. Ibtissam.I am the son of the Sham, come to water my land, the land of the south, with my blood. Khaled.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr Abdallah al-Jizzi.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr hero Mahmoud Ibrahim al-Taqi.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr hero Nidal Hafez al-Hassanie
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr hero Hassan Ahmad Darwish.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr hero A'ssaf Joseph Farah.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr hero Fouad Mahmoud Saleh.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr hero Mohammad Ali Farhat.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

Freedom to the imprisoned fighter Habib al-Shartouny.
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr Khaled Ismail Malas
Lebanese Communist Party , Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr hero Hassan ahmad Darwish
Syrian Social Nationalist Party , Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr Abdallah Al-Jizi
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The groom of Al-Fayhaa, the Baathi heroic martyr Hisham Abbas
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Arab Socialist Baath Party

The martyrs of the Lebanese National Resistance Front
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The heroic martyr Abdullah Al-Jizi
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

I sacrifice myself to this great nation
Lebanese National Resistance Front

The heroic martyr Mohammad Salim
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyrs of the massacre of treachery in Ehden June 13 1978.

13 June. They sought for it to be our grave . . . it was instead our dawn

13 June. Together on the road of the future

13 June

We shall resist…
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Ministry of the South

The new Nazim passed through South Lebanon
Ministry of the South

No Title Available
Ministry of the South
My Land.
Ministry of the South

We give so that you will remain oh my country.
Movement of the Lebanese Youth

Steadfast. The national week for the south 3-9 March 1979
National Assembly of the Khyam families

The children shout out: Stop the war
National committee for Child’s Day

The martyrs of Lebanon. President Dani Kamil Chamoun and his wife Ingrid and their children Tareck and Julian.
National Liberal Party

The first annual commemoration of the martyrdom of President Dani Chamoun and his wife Ingrid and their children Tareck and Julian.
National Liberal Party

The tiger Fredy Nassrallah, the captain.
National Liberal Party

The tiger leader Tony al-Hanuch (al-Hanash)
National Liberal Party

The first female martyr of Lebanon. Saydeh Jamil Khayatt.
National Liberal Party

Our souls for the sake of Lebanon. The martyr hero George Lattuf.
National Liberal Party

Our souls in ransom to Lebanon. the martyr Abdo Joseph Kfouri.
National Liberal Party

The martyr of Love and freedom. The martyr hero Khalil Hajula.
National Liberal Party

Our souls in ransom to Lebanon. The martyr hero Sarkis al-Chayib.
National Liberal Party

Mass and funeral. He who believes in Lebanon even if he dies shall live. Ne’meh Hadad.
National Liberal Party

Our souls in ransom to Lebanon. The martyr hero Adel Jamil Tartturi.
National Liberal Party

A dream stolen.
National Liberal Party

No Title Available
National Liberal Party

We will not forget you oh tiger leader.
National Liberal Party

Faithful to the covenant, until the coming of a new dawn.
National Liberal Party

Have a realistic pilgrimage, in Easter. Live the passion visit Lebanon!
Lebanese Kataeb Party , Tanzim , Guardians of the Cedars , National Liberal Party

Lebanon. We die, and you shall remain.
National Liberal Party
For your easter pilgrimage, share his suffering, visit the Lebanon!
Lebanese Kataeb Party , Tanzim , Guardians of the Cedars , National Liberal Party

This is the fate of every agressor
National Liberal Party

Lebanon: United we shall win

2nd commemoration of the Sabra and Chatilla Massacre
Palestinian Organizations , Palestinian National Alliance

Sabra and Shatila. Their eyes are open to the betrayal.
Palestinian Organizations - PFLP-GC , Palestinian Organizations

Hussein Mrouehthe martyr of Lebanon and Palestine and the Arab liberation movement
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

Sabra-Shatila the massacre
Palestinian Organizations

Palestinian Organizations

Oh Martyrs of Sabra and Shatila, we will not forget, we will not forgive, we will not back down.
Palestinian Organizations -PLF , Palestinian Organizations

Sabra and Shatila. Their blood, a renewal to the vow of ultimate victory.
Palestinian Organizations - PFLP-GC , Palestinian Organizations

On the 2nd anniversary of Sabra and Shatila. Their massacres will not stop our strife.
Palestinian Organizations - PFLP-DFLP , Palestinian Organizations

A nation that gives birth to the like of you, oh Naji, will never die...The first annual commemoration of the martyrdom of the activist artist Naji al-Ali.
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

Tal el-Za‘tar, the cradle of heroism and martyrdom
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

This is what the Zionists have done in Deir Yassin in 1948 . . . and this is what the Kataeb gangs have done in Ain el-Rummaneh in 1975
Palestinian Organizations – Arab Liberation Front , Palestinian Organizations

the martyr of the Palestinian revolution and the Lebanese National Movement, the master leader Kamal Jumblatt
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

The martyr of the Palestinian revolution. The martyr of the struggle for National, Democratic, Lebanese and Arab Liberation.
Palestinian Organizations - DFLP , Palestinian Organizations

2nd commemoration of the Sabra and Chatilla Massacre
Palestinian Organizations , Palestinian National Alliance

The heroes of the Naharia operation. Glory to the martyrs and victory to the revolution.
Palestinian Organizations , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

To the struggle
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

The leader Jumblatt unified Lebanon and Palestine in blood
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

the heroism of Kfarkilla
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

Israel in South Lebanon
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

The unity of blood
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

Tal el-Za‘tar within our hearts till victory
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

They died in defense of the unity of Lebanon and its Arab identity
Palestinian Organizations - DFLP , Palestinian Organizations

This is what the Zionists have done in Deir Yassin in 1948 . . . and this is what the Kataeb gangs have done in Ain el-Rummaneh in 1975
Palestinian Organizations – Arab Liberation Front , Palestinian Organizations

The martyr of the Palestinian revolution. The martyr of the struggle for National, Democratic, Lebanese and Arab Liberation.
Palestinian Organizations - DFLP , Palestinian Organizations

They died in defense of the unity of Lebanon and its Arab identity
Palestinian Organizations - DFLP , Palestinian Organizations

On the 2nd anniversary of Sabra and Shatila. Their massacres will not stop our strife.
Palestinian Organizations - PFLP-DFLP , Palestinian Organizations

Sabra and Shatila. Their eyes are open to the betrayal.
Palestinian Organizations - PFLP-GC , Palestinian Organizations

Sabra and Shatila. Their blood, a renewal to the vow of ultimate victory.
Palestinian Organizations - PFLP-GC , Palestinian Organizations

Hussein Mrouehthe martyr of Lebanon and Palestine and the Arab liberation movement
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

A nation that gives birth to the like of you, oh Naji, will never die...The first annual commemoration of the martyrdom of the activist artist Naji al-Ali.
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

Tal el-Za‘tar, the cradle of heroism and martyrdom
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

the martyr of the Palestinian revolution and the Lebanese National Movement, the master leader Kamal Jumblatt
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

Israel in South Lebanon
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

Tal el-Za‘tar within our hearts till victory
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

the heroism of Kfarkilla
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

The unity of blood
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

The leader Jumblatt unified Lebanon and Palestine in blood
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

To the struggle
Palestinian Organizations - PLO , Palestinian Organizations

Oh Martyrs of Sabra and Shatila, we will not forget, we will not forgive, we will not back down.
Palestinian Organizations -PLF , Palestinian Organizations

The masses will accomplish the unification and protect it
Permanent Trustees for the Arab People Congress

We mourn to the Lebanese people. The Lebanese University, which was assassinated with a legislative decree
Pioneers of Reform Movement

The decree. The unity of the university ... the unity of the people
Pioneers of Reform Movement

Yes to reform the publishing law, No to the restriction of freedom
Pioneers of Reform Movement

The Lebanese University. The dividing of the university is a step towards dividing the land and the people
Pioneers of Reform Movement

Kfarkila. The symbol of steadfastness and heroism.
Popular Guards

The symbol of Lebanese national resistance. The patriotic leader Mustapha M’arouf Saad.
Popular Nasserist Organization

The national activist Mehye-el-Deen Hashisho, the symbol of Saida’s steadfastness
Popular Nasserist Organization

The martyr of Saida’s epic against the invasion of the Syrian regime. The martyr hero al-Hajj Muhammad al-Tharyf.
Popular Nasserist Organization

The martyr of the battle of cleansing the Mtayn in defense of the Arabism of Lebanon. The martyr hero Omar Hijazi.
Popular Nasserist Organization

...And the land of the South remains Arab
Popular Nasserist Organization

In the seventh commemoration of his passing. We will liberate every inch even if there was a martyr with every inch.
Popular Nasserist Organization

The national leader Mustapha Ma’ruf Saad. The symbol of the National Lebanese Resistance
Popular Nasserist Organization

Kamal Jumblatt an insignia on the chest of a nation
Progressive Socialist Party

March 16 1986 the ninth commemoration of the martyrdom of the master leader Kamal Jumblatt
Progressive Socialist Party

In commemoration of the 61st bitrhday of the leader Kamal Jumblatt
Progressive Socialist Party

He will remain in us and win
Progressive Socialist Party

March 16 the forth commemoration of the martyrdom of the master leader Kamal Jumblatt. and the the journey continues...
Progressive Socialist Party

Following his path of martyrdom, our emblems will remain vigorous
Progressive Socialist Party

Jumblatt’s supporters will preserve Lebanon’s unity and achieve victory
Progressive Socialist Party

Our martyrs are the heroes of passage from sectarianism to secularism
Progressive Socialist Party

In commemoration of the 61st bitrhday of the leader Kamal Jumblatt
Progressive Socialist Party

Walid Jumblatt the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party
Progressive Socialist Party

March 16
Progressive Socialist Party

16 March 1985. Pledge and loyalty
Progressive Socialist Party

The martyrs of the PSP, Aley
Progressive Socialist Party

1 May, the eternal celebration of victory.
Progressive Socialist Party

the master, the martyr, the ever present in the journey of the revolution, and the revolutionaries
Progressive Socialist Party

No Title Available
Progressive Socialist Party

The master of the revolution and the inspirer of the revolutionaries.
Progressive Socialist Party

The 10th commemoration of the martyrdom of Kamal Jumblatt, 1917–1977
Progressive Socialist Party

The mountain’s victory
Progressive Socialist Party

34 years of struggle. May.
Progressive Socialist Party

and the journey continues... The sixth commemoration of the martyrdom of the master leader Kamal Jumblatt.
Progressive Socialist Party

Walid Jumblatt. The ongoing victorious struggle for a nationalistic progressive and democratic Lebanon.
Progressive Socialist Party

From victory to victory.
Progressive Socialist Party

Oh master, you are a witness to victory and on the covenant is the vow.
Progressive Socialist Party

May 1 1987 - The Progressive Socialist Party
Progressive Socialist Party

The 3rd annual commemoration of the fall of Maslakh and Karantina
Arab Socialist Union , Progressive Socialist Party

A pledge is a pledge
Progressive Socialist Party

A free citizen and happy people
Progressive Socialist Party

March 16
Progressive Socialist Party

The week of the leader Kamal Jumblatt
Progressive Socialist Party

No Title Available
Progressive Socialist Party

Kamal Jumblatt
Progressive Socialist Party

The martyr of the Progressive Socialist Party. The fighter, the hero, Nasser al-’Arm.
Progressive Socialist Party

The martyr of the Progressive Socialist Party. The martyr hero Mufid Chahin Malaeb.
Progressive Socialist Party

The martyr hero Nabih Fouad Morssel.
Progressive Socialist Party

The martyr hero Walid Samih Chahin.
Progressive Socialist Party

13 August 1989. The heroic battle of Souq al-gharb.
Progressive Socialist Party

National Lebanese Solidarity with USSR People solidarity with Arminia
Progressive Socialist Party

The martyr master leader Kamal Jumblatt.
Progressive Socialist Party

No Title Available
Progressive Socialist Party

The mountain's upbringing
Progressive Socialist Party

The martyr leader Kamal Jumblatt
Progressive Socialist Party

The martyr master Kamal Jumblatt.
Progressive Socialist Party

he will remain with us, and we will be victorious
Progressive Socialist Party

Over time our weapons are the guarantee
Progressive Socialist Party

The Martyr Bashir El Atab
Quwat alFajr (The Forces of Dawn)

Martyrs of Islam are the dawn of glory and freedom
Quwat alFajr (The Forces of Dawn)

Oh how strong is my pride in you, and how great is the victory you walk towards
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The 8th of July 1986 operation. The heroes of the “Naharia” martyrdom operation. The forces of the martyr Muhammad Salim. The forces of the martyr Ghassan Kanafani.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

No Title Available
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

In the first commemoration of the battle for Tripoli’s liberation. The martyr hero Izz-el-Deen Kamel al-Lababidi. The martyr hero Said Ali Hadad (Abu Ali Khaldun).
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

the stand of the South.Labour day. May 1st 1984
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

In defense of the martyrs of Koura
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The eagle of the south. Victory to the south.The martyr Malek Wehbe
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Wajdi El Sayegh...
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

No Title Available
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Land Day
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The national public conference against monopolism and inflation. So it wont be the last meal!
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

1 March. The birth of national consciousness and the will for victory
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

I am calling generations that are not yet born. A. Saadeh
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

If you win the the battle of the young you win the battle of the nationalist destiny
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The popular rejectionist front
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Israel wants our land without people. Protection of land. Protection of existence and destiny
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

November 16. The beginning of the people’s victory in the battle of national and social liberation.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Resistance, resistance with fire no comprise. Wajdi El Sayegh.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

We have one policy for peace: that the enemies of this nation give it back its due rights. 15 May, commemoration of the division of Palestine and the establishment of the Israeli state
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

No Title Available
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Antun SaadehThe dawn of national renaissance
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

We will keep on hailing for Syria to live
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr comrade Kanj Abdo Maddi.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Martyrs in defense of the Koura. Martyr Shokri Khayrallah. Martyr Jihad al-Timani. Martyr Maher Tarabay.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr comrade Khalil Elias Abu Haidar.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr comrade Ibrahim Yussef Qattaya.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr comrade ‘Aref Amad Zanytt
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

8 July, commemoration of Saadeh’s martyrdom. I die yet my party remains
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

53 years for the renaissance and unity of society and for liberating the nation from Zionist and foreign occupation
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The heroic martyr Amin Abded al-Khaleq.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero doctor ‘Adnan Dakhyl Qanso.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

They are the martyrs in the battle of the Northern Maten on 18/5/1979 while they were confronting the project of Zionation and division. The martyr hero, comrade Adnan Mehssen Qattaya. The martyr hero, comrade Sami Qizhaya al-Alam.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The heroes of the Maten. In defence of the unity of Lebanon and its national belonging.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

1st of March In commemoration of the leader’s birthday
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Nathem Ayache.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Martyrs of the national struggle against the sectarian gangs The martyr hero Ali Muhammad Kassem Harmuche.The martyr hero Muhammad Ali Karim.The martyr hero Jamal Ahmad al-Kurdi.The martyr hero Ghazi Ahmad Rifa’i.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

A singing heroism, and a martyr soul. Sanaa Mhaidle
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The heroes of koneen al tayri operation
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Syrian Social Nationalist Party

In memory of the first secretary general
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

First annual commemoration of the martyr general secretary Toufiq al-Safadi.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The fifth annual commemoration of the heroic ‘Wimpy’ operation, that was carried through by the hero martyr Khaled Alwan.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Freedom to the imprisoned militant Habib al-Shartouni
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The hero of the Wimpy operation the martyr comrade Khaled Alwan
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr Fuad Mahmmud Saleh.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr Yussef Amin Saab.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Maryam Khayr al-Deen.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

I carry from the mountain of Sultan al-Atrash the saying of unity and I plant myself in the land of the South. The martyr, bride of Suwaida, Zahra Abu ‘Assaf
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The road to the liberation of Palestine is not crooked, and does not pass by the capitals of Camp David. But it passes first and foremost from the nozzles of the fighting rifles. The leader of the Naharya operation the martyr Muhammad Mahmmud Kana’a.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Practice heroism. and fear not war, but fear failure.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

2nd annual commemoration of the martyrdom operation of the eagle of the Bekaa: the martyr Malek Wehbe
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

2nd annual commemoration of the Lebanese National Resistance Front
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero ‘Atef al-Danaf.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

It is our South. Our fighters side by side with the resistance in the trenches of national confrontation
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Our martyrs. They aborted the plans of division and the conspiracy against our people’s struggle to liberate Palestine
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Fouad Sha’ban.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The sole martyr of independence, comrade Said Fakhr-el-Deen
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Sana’ Mehaidali, bride of the south
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Abd-el-Rahman Hammud
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Adnan Ali Abi Haidar.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Antoun Michael Zuraiq.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Ali Hussein Jaber.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Ahmad Abd-el-Ghani.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The 1st annual commemoration of the martyrdom of one of the symbols and leaders of the national resistance. The martyr Mohamad Slim
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The 45th commemoration of the founding of the party. Our war is a holy war, because it is a war of a live nation that wants to pave its way to a free and glorious life
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The heroic martyr Muhammad Hussien Ibrahim.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

November 16. The beginning of the people’s victory in the battle of national and social liberation.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The renaissance continues with us and with future generations
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The National Resistance Front send its condolences to the martyr hero Ahmad Muhammad Younes.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The heroes of the Naharia operation. Glory to the martyrs and victory to the revolution.
Palestinian Organizations , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Hussein Ali Httayt.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Nitham Mahmmud Alaa-el-Deen al-Khalidi.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr Habib Kayrouz
Syrian Social Nationalist Party , Lebanese National Resistance Front

44th Commemoration of the foundation of the Syrian Socialist Nationalist Party
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Barakat Mahmud al-Buarshi.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

I am now planted in the south, I soak its earth with my blood – Sana’
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Our peace... Making our enemy recognize our full national rights.September 23. The 1st commemoration of Al-Koura martyrs
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

July 8, commemoration of Antoun Saadeh’s martyrdom
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

1 March. The birth of the national resistance in a nation thought to be extinct by its enemies. The 81st anniversary of Saadeh’s birthday, the founder of the SSNP
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The sole martyr in the battle of Lebanon’s independence.Said Fakhr El Deen
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

This is a lesson to all the angry ones and conspirers so that they may know that we do not differentiate between the Jews of the inside and the Jews of the outside. Ibtissam.I am the son of the Sham, come to water my land, the land of the south, with my blood. Khaled.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Oh my family in the South, a few steps and I will be with you, a bride you hail to the soul of the martyrs. Norma Abi Hassan.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

I am the son of Damascus, coming to water my land, the land of the South. The martyr Khaled Azraq.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The first commemoration of the martyr Yussef al-Danaf.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyrs of the unity of the land and the people
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

16 December 1986–54 years of building and struggle. The heroic martyrs who fell in the battle of national pride in the northern Matn
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

8 July the 38th annual commemoration of Antun Saadeh’s martyrdom
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Martyrs defending their party and town (Koura)
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

With the arms of will, determination and resistance we shall be victorious – Maryam
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Do not fear confrontation with this enemy for he is like a cancer that should be removed. ‘Amar.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

In the first annual commemoration of Sana’ Mehaidli. 9 May 1986. The week of the resistant woman.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

I hope my soul meets with the souls of the martyrs, and it embraces them again, exploding into an earthquake over the heads of the enemy. Sana’.
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The Tree House
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero comrade Nidal al-Hassanie. The martyr hero comrade khaldoun al-Hassanie.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Bassam al-Hajj Hassan.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr Hero Nuhad Sarie el-Deen.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr comrade Elias al-Matni "Abou Deeb"
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Bassam Saad el-Deen al-Soos.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr Walid Zaarour.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Nassif Elias al-Murr.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Naem Ibrahim Abou Shahin.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Saad al-Deen al-Ghafour Doughan.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Ihab Kajj.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero A'marr Abou A'ttie al-Haraty.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Badee'i Abou Ali.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Thafer Mahmoud al-Amin.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Nassif Amin al-Qontar
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyrs of the liberation of nationalistic Beirut. The martyr hero comrade Nasser Ahmad Diab. The martyr hero comrade Mustapha Mohammad al-Masri.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Mounir A'awad.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Tallal Zein el-Deen.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

8 July, my strength is a necessary condition for the victory of my cause
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Beware Danger. Sectarianism=Civil war.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyrs of the "Shal – Karantina" operation.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Wassim Zein el-Deen (Abou Wajib)
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Our Bodies may fall, but our souls have imposed their truth on this existence.
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The martyr hero Hassan ahmad Darwish
Syrian Social Nationalist Party , Lebanese National Resistance Front

The martyr hero Labib Abu Ghida
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Comrade Assaad Ni'matallah Hardan
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Good morning
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Comrade Sami Kozhayya Al-Alam
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The heroic martyr Abdullah Al-Jizi
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The heroic martyr Mahmoud Alaaeddine Al-Khalidi
Syrian Social Nationalist Party

The heroic martyr Mohammad Salim
Lebanese National Resistance Front , Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Have a realistic pilgrimage, in Easter. Live the passion visit Lebanon!
Lebanese Kataeb Party , Tanzim , Guardians of the Cedars , National Liberal Party

You love it, work for it
For your easter pilgrimage, share his suffering, visit the Lebanon!
Lebanese Kataeb Party , Tanzim , Guardians of the Cedars , National Liberal Party

Independence is taken not borrowed... Work for it.

The day of Lebanese will. I who was displaced by the compromises... my rifle will bring me back...

1942–1983 ... and Lebanon remains

The first annual commemoration of the martyrdom of the martyr Samir Nour-el-Deen.
The martyr’s family

...Jusqu’à la libération ...Until liberation
Union of Democratic Lebanese Youth

1970–1987 17 years of struggle
Union of Democratic Lebanese Youth

4th National congress
Union of Democratic Lebanese Youth

14th anniversary of the Union of Democratic Lebanese Youth. Together for the liberation.
Union of Democratic Lebanese Youth

The weapon is the stance... The handshake an admission.
Union of Muslim Ulama

17 May
Union of Muslim Ulama

The Kataeb rule: Preacher of destruction, guardian of the dollar
Union of Muslim Ulama

No Title Available
Union of Muslim Ulama

Union of the Toiling People’s Force
Union of Toiling People's Force

Union of the Toiling People’s Force
Union of Toiling People's Force

Union of the Toiling People’s Force, the commitment to the struggle of the Palestinian Liberation Organization until liberation and victory
Union of Toiling People's Force

Union of the Toiling People’s Force
Union of Toiling People's Force

Union of the Toiling People’s Force under the leadership of brother Kamal Shatila, a reinforcement to the journey of national steadfastness
Union of Toiling People's Force

The nationalism of the Union of Toiling People’s Force, is the guarantee to the course of nationalism in Lebanon
Union of Toiling People's Force

The strength of the Union of Toiling People’s Force, a strength to the course of national liberation
Union of Toiling People's Force

Union of Toiling People's Force
Union of Toiling People's Force

The Brother Kamal Shatila
Union of Toiling People's Force

The party’s founding day. The day of the defenders of national unity.
Union of Toiling People's Force

the strength of Lebanon is in resistance and not in surrender. The tool of the strugglers against Zionism and colonialism.
Union of Toiling People's Force

strengthening the steadfastness of the South, the confronting of the Israeli perpetration, the coordination with forces of Arab confrontation, conditions for Lebanon’s protection
Union of Toiling People's Force